When someone suggests talking about religion, how do you respond? A lot of people are a little hesitant to talk about religion because they are used to it being a topic that invites a lot of controversy. This is too bad. There are a lot of great conversations to have about religion, if only we can all agree to be open and understanding. That's the position we aim to take on this blog. We write about religion-related topics from an objective standpoint, and we try to welcome all viewpoints. Start reading this blog, and you might learn a bit about religion, but also about talking about religion.
14 December 2021
If you have never gone for Reiki healing, but have heard of it and are wondering what it's all about, you are not alone. More and more people are turning to alternative treatments for a wide range of things. Many people believe in the benefits that Reiki healing services can provide. You will need to decide for yourself if Reiki healing is something you want to try. Here is some useful information to help get you started:
1 December 2021
One of the best ways to improve your life is by going to a healing retreat. Retreats take place in many parts of the country and offer people like you opportunities to connect more to their spiritual sides while focusing on adopting better mindsets. Here are a few ways that a healing retreat can change your life for the better. Greater Mental Clarity Retreats often focus on mind exercises that are designed to sharpen thinking while combatting certain mental health problems.
22 October 2021
Have you been spiritually awakened? A spiritual awakening is when you experience a shift in how you see yourself and the world, allowing you to change your perception, actions, and attitudes. Awakening is not a spontaneous or instant experience, but rather, it is a process that takes place over time. You can initiate your spiritual awakening process by scheduling awakening sessions with a spiritual teacher in your area. You may currently be in the process of a spiritual awakening that has begun because of circumstances in your personal or professional life.
14 October 2021
It's an exciting time when someone in your life has a baby. You might enjoy visiting the family to hold the newborn, but another get-together that will excite you is visiting the family's church on the day of the child's christening. If you're an active church member, you've likely been present for a large number of christenings over the years. However, if you don't attend church very often, the christening may be the first time that you'll have walked into a church in a while.
22 September 2021
Attending a camp program is a right of passage for many children. There are a wide range of camps to choose from, with each focusing on a unique curriculum and providing a unique camp experience. Christian youth camps are becoming a more popular choice among the parents of teenagers. The camp counselors and activities at a Christian youth camp are designed to help teens discover their faith and develop skills that will benefit them over a lifetime.